There are currently 275,000 zipsters in the US, Canada and London sharing 5500 Zipcars in thirteen cities and numerous university campuses across North America.
Zipcar.com offers a pretty well perfect alternative to traditional car rental and car ownership. Online applications cost $25 with annual dues starting at $50. Your zipcard arrives in the mail in a couple of days and voila - you're a zipster.
Go online, find your desired Zipcar location and decide which available cars appeal to you: Honda Civic - $13/hr, Mini-Cooper - $15/hr, BMW - $17/hr - and reserve. Daily rates available. Gas and insurance included: PWP.
Once you locate your Zipcar, waive your zipcard in front of the reader inside the windshield and the car unlocks. The key is in plain sight in the car. Return your Zipcar to the same location at the time agreed upon, litter-free.
(photo courtesy of www.zipcar.com)